Objectivity as one of the most important components

Unnecessary work usually means “we could have done it ourselves.” The uselessness also lies in the fact, and this is a feature of consulting itself, that the results of consultants’ work are often not immediately visible. The effectiveness of decisions made can only be assessed after some time, and it is often impossible to determine exactly what caused the improvements. It often seems to the management of an enterprise that they themselves were able to correct and improve the situation, and consultants have nothing to do with it. In general, this question is more historical than rhetorical.

The times are not so far when business in our country consisted of acquiring and increasing assets and their subsequent resale. Some enterprises largely used consulting services as a tool for “laundering” money. money. So, like, consultants came, drew up business processes for a tidy sum and left. Nobody needs these business processes, they remain on paper, the money is “cut up” – everyone is happy.

On the other hand (and this continues to this day), many enterprises invite consultants with the goal of “it’s fashionable” or for the opportunity to wave the flag (especially when they invite some Western and well-known company) - “consultants worked with us, drew up the processes, which means we are at the world level.” The result is a funny picture: when they talk about business processes, many managers imagine a thick (and I must say expensive) stack of paper with drawn squares and arrows. But business processes are not squares on paper, they are actually working processes in an enterprise. Further, dishonesty begets even more dishonesty, consultants have dollars in their heads, the meaninglessness and uselessness of work, and as a result, the process of “you need to come up with more work for yourself and take more money” has begun. As a result, it turns out that a powerful business consulting tool is being used completely for other purposes.


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