Tax optimization and tax risk management

As a rule, communicating with regulatory authorities is not always a pleasure for accountants or company executives. Why is that? Because a representative of the tax office comes to find errors in accounting or tax accounting, and the reason for the error – by accident or on purpose – for tax authorities does not matter.

The realities of our business are such that the desire to reduce the tax burden is inherent in almost every enterprise, regardless of the type and geography of its activity. But why not use legal ways to optimize taxation? Tax optimization – This is legitimate, effective tax planning of charges and payments to the budget. Using legal tax optimization will allow you to avoid many problems and negative consequences.

In order to correctly use tax minimization methods, you should focus on tax planning items that will allow you to create individual tax optimization schemes. On the Russian market you can find many different offers for the provision of tax services. But most of them help eliminate only part of the problems associated with taxes. Therefore, it is necessary to contact experts who will take a comprehensive approach to solving this problem.


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