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The advent of electronics was preceded by the invention of radio. Since radio transmitters immediately found application (primarily on ships and in military affairs), they required an element base, the creation and study of which electronics was engaged in. The element base of the first generation was based on electronic tubes. Accordingly, vacuum electronics have developed. Its development was also facilitated by the invention of television and radars, which were widely used during the Second World War.

But vacuum tubes had significant drawbacks. First of all, this is large size and high power consumption (which was critical for portable devices). Therefore, solid-state electronics began to develop, and diodes and transistors began to be used as an element base.

The further development of electronics is associated with the advent of computers. Transistor-based computers were distinguished by their large size and power consumption, as well as low reliability (due to the large number of parts). To solve these problems, micro-assemblies began to be used, and then microcircuits. The number of elements of microcircuits gradually increased, microprocessors began to appear. Currently, the development of electronics is facilitated by the emergence of cellular communications, as well as various wireless devices, navigators, communicators, tablets, etc.